Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29, 2016

I haven't posted here in several weeks, things have gotten kind of crazy in my life.  At least crazier then usual!  It's actually been a rough past week.  Some good, tho...we finally closed on our house last Monday and are working on getting moved in.  The remaining appliances that we need will be delivered on Tuesday and after that we will begin living there full-time!  There is a LOT of stuff in our U-Locks and it freaks me out to think of unpacking it all and finding places to put everything.  We are going to have to do a lot more purging of things we really don't need.

The big sad thing that happened is we lost our dog Charlotte.  This came as a complete surprise, tho with in the last three weeks she has gotten noticably worse.  She started limping a couple months ago and we thought she had slipped and hurt her leg.  We finally took her to our vet 3 weeks ago and they did X-Rays.  The bones in the X-ray showed they were fine, so we scheduled surgery hoping/praying it was a large fatty tumor that was pressing on nerves in her shoulder.  When our vet got into her shoulder area they found pretty extensive cancer that was wrapped around the nerves, vessels, etc. and had even spread to her rib cage area.  We made the decision to have her cross over the rainbow bridge while she was still sedated.  I miss her terribly.    I feel I did not get a chance to say good-bye to her.  We did choose to have her cremated and will get her ashes back.  I just feel so empty, she was such a wonderful, loving dog.  Our vet feels the tumor that was removed by her ear two years ago was related to this cancer.  We did not have the tumor biopsied at that time.  As our vet said, the removal of that tumor bought us two more wonderful years with her.

Ok, I've babbled on long enough about my Charlotte.  Since we will be living in our home full-time beginning this week, I need to truly focus on getting my diet straightened up.  I'm going to refocus on implementing the tools and plan Diane has given me.  At least I haven't gained anymore weight!!  

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016

I've come to the conclusion that until I get into my own home, trying to straighten up my diet is just really difficult.  I can change some of the thing Diane would like me to change, but until I can actually prepare my meals and plan things better it's just really hard.  Love my mom, but while living in her home we really have to all three of us plan meals, etc.

However, the move is coming soon.  Closing is taking longer then we'd like, but it should happen either this Wednesday, or the following Monday.  Our being gone Thurs. thru Sun. of this week is adding another issue.  We were able to begin moving some things into the house, so that is a good thing.  We have a fridge, microwave and dishwasher (the dishwasher came with the build)  We still need to buy washer, dryer and stove.  

As far as my diet this past week.  So, so.  I have not eaten the veggies I should be.  That is one thing that will change once we are in our home.  Until then, I am going to resume recording food and moods here no matter what I eat.  I guess I'm the type who, if I'm eating poorly whats the use in writing it down.  For this morning, I am driving over after to church to eat breakfast with Chris and the folks from Raub UMC.   Will be back later to record that.

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016

It's a Monday!   Going to try and get back to blogging my food, etc.

This morning I had an English Muffin (brought to work).  Will be having a Chogani yogurt with it in a bit.

Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016

I chatted with Diane my dietitian friend today. I may have to cut back on how often I meet with her until after our dog, Charlotte's, surgery which will be October 26.  To get her treated when it's all done will cost about 1000.00.  That and closing on our house, I need to be careful with funds.  I may be able to afford to meet with her every other week, will just have to see.

That being said, I'm going to restart logging my food.  We are close to closing on our new home and should be able to move out from my mom's house over the next couple of weeks.  This will make getting control of our diet and eating much easier.  

Chris is facing possibly having gallbladder problems.  He hasn't been feeling well for a few weeks and the doc is running some tests, so we'll see.  Either way, he may need to alter how he eats.  

More later!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5, 2016

Well, as you can see I have not been writing in this blog nor writing down my food.  I started off really gung-ho, but then fizzled out.  I'm still working with my RD friend Diane, but may have to stop that for a bit.  Between finalizing our mortgage and getting Charlotte taken care of, I don't think I'll have the extra funds.

However, I do have all the tools shes given me so far and have enough time paid for that I can chat with her for two more half hour sessions.

I will try to make an effort to keep this blog going.....

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sept. 26, 2016

Today is a Monday, so am at work today.  

Breakfast - oatmeal packet, tb peanut butter, sugar packet and milk.

Snack - Apple.  5 pretzel nuggets with peanut butter.

Lunch - Spinach salad (not a lot of spinach, end of the package) with some grilled chicken chunks.  Slice of Irish Soda Bread. Also had a handful of graham cracker pretzels.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sept. 25, 2016

Ok, I'm struggling.  Part of me just figures...phooey on it all, I'm overweight, I'm from a family who is's just the way we are and it's not going to change.  It's so easy to just sit back and blame it on genetics!  Ha, I'm just kidding myself.

I haven't written in the journal all weekend.  I haven't pigged-out or stuffed my face till I was sick, but I also have not made good choices.  I haven't overeaten, but what I have ate is probably considered junk.  

I even considered calling it quits with working with my RD friend Diane.  

Will regroup in my head and write some more tomorrow.